Hussein G El Charkawi


  • Professor and Chairman of Prosthodontics Dept.
  • Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Future University, Cairo- Egypt
  • The use of craniofacial implant-anchored auricular prosthesis for the rehabilitation of microtia or congenitally missing ear often results in superior cosmetic results with a lesser number of surgical procedures. This prosthesis are usually attached to the implants via precision attachments. Despite the high success rates of implant-anchored auricular prosthesis, however, there are several inherent deficiencies within this approach. One amongst which is the loss of retention due to wear of the retaining mechanism of these attachments that require replacement over time. One patient among series of patients, who were rehabilited with bone- anchored auricular prosthesis in the last years, lost his attachment. The manufacturer of this particular attachment has stopped this line of production several years ago. In order to provide the patients with new customized attachments, the author adopted new digital technology work flow in fabrication of these attachments. Two challenges in fabrication of this digital attachment were faced. The first is the design of virtual attachment created by Computer-Aided Design (CAD) that conform to the actual geometry of the ball abutment of the craniofacial implants and still provide acceptable retention of the prosthesis. The second was How to use the available current Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) techniques for fabrication the attachment with suitable 3D printing material. The retentive outcome of this novel digitally designed attachment was satisfactory and the patient acknowledged the improvements in his ear prosthesis. In addition, an in vitro study was conducted; the retention was measured and evaluated. The results confirmed its superior retentive qualities.

Vincent Ronco


  • Specialist practice in periodontology and implantology, Paris, France
  • Post-graduate in periodontology ULg, Belgium
  • Post-graduate in Implantology ULg, Belgium
  • DDS, UPV, France

José Francisco Rodríguez Vázquez


  • Catedrático de Universidad. Anatomía y Embriología Humana. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • Licenciado y Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Universidad de Granada.  
  • Licenciado y en Doctor en Odontología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 
  • Director de Departamento de Anatomía y Embriología. UCM (1993-2009)
  • Director del Instituto de Ciencias Morfofuncionales y del Deporte. UCM(2009-2014)
  • Director del Instituto Universitario de Embriología. UCM (2015 – 2020)
  • Visiting Professor. Department of Anatomy. Tokyo Dental College. Tokio. Japón (2012- actualidad)
  • Académico Correspondiente de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España (2008-actualidad)
  • Medalla de oro al mérito científico. Ilustre colegio oficial de odontólogos y estomatólogos de la I región
  • Artículos científicos : 236

Ady Palti


Dr. Ady Palti currently Clinical Professor at New York University College of Dentistry, an associate clinical professor at Temple University, Philadelphia, Department for Periodontology & Implantology. He’s the founder, former President and honorary member of the German Society of Oral Implantology (DGOI).

Former ICOI President and current ICOI Co-chairman and member of the Executive Committee. He’s been lecturing at many International congresses for more than 35+ years and has published many articles on experimental and clinical research.

His main research fields are immediate implant placement and loading on implants, bone quantity and density, bone augmentation material, membranes and 3D computer navigation.

He maintains two private practices in Germany focusing on implant dentistry.

Arturo Flores


  • Licenciado en Odontología. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.
  • Máster en Cirugía Bucal e Implantología. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.


  • Práctica privada dedicada en exclusiva a la Cirugía Bucal, Implantología, Periodoncia y Reconstrucción Ósea desde 2013.


  • Profesor del Máster de Cirugía, Prótesis y Periimplantología de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid) desde 2017.
  • Profesor del Máster de Cirugía Bucal e Implantología de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid) desde 2020.
  • Dictante de cursos y conferencias a nivel nacional e internacional sobre regeneración ósea en implantología.

Samuel Oliván


  • Licenciado en Odontología
  • Máster en Universidad pública Rey Juan Carlos de Cirugía Bucal e Implantes. Calificación Sobresaliente.
  • Especialista en Periodoncia Avanzada por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • Magister en Ciencias Odontológicas. 
  • Especialista en Patología Oral. 
  • Fellow en Cirugía e Implantes.
  • Profesor del postgrado en Cirugía e Implantes de la Universidad San Pablo CEU Madrid  
  • Profesor colaborador del Consejo de Odontólogos en Cirugía Bucal.
  • Miembro numerario de la SECIB (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal).
  • Miembro de la SEPA (Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegración).
  • Diploma SEPA en Curso Periodoncia y Estética.
  • Acreditación en estética facial, uso de microfillers faciales.
  • Acreditación en estética facial avanzada.


  • Práctica privada exclusiva de especialista en Cirugía Bucal y Periodoncia.
  • Profesor universitario cirugía y prótesis.
  • Conferenciante y ponente en cursos.